Young Leaders Retreat

10 young leaders attended a two day retreat at the Home of Compassion in Island Bay.
The participants learnt about Joseph Campbell’s Hero’s Journey and how it is a model for the life of every human being. Participants reflected on the courage it takes to “leave home” and cross the threshold into the unknown. They explored what are the hinders and obstacles they meet on the way and how they can get through the challenges of the wilderness by accepting help from the helpers and having an internal compass that will keep them going. They learnt about courage, the abyss and how to achieve their bliss/mission in life.
Participants also learnt about their Myers Briggs profile and were given another model to understand themselves and others. This made a lot of sense to the young leaders, particularly some of the input on career options and how they learn and make decisions.
In between they did a lot of experiential learning activities, had fun on Mt Victoria and even managed a short “dip” in the sea at Island Bay!  All in all it was a great three days topped off by fantastic food! The training was done by Helen Robinson and Kitty McKinley.

Victoria University Open Day

A group of aspiring students from the Porirua colleges travelled into the city to attend the Victoria University Open day.

All of the faculty’s were on show and it was a great opportunity to to see the different courses on offer and to get a taste of University life in the Capital.

The group attended some sample lectures to hear more about different subjects from the lecturers themselves.  They found it quite interesting and were surprised by how different it was to their classrooms and the teaching at their schools.

As well as experiencing sitting through a lecture, there was a lot of entertainment throughout the day. The girls were pretty successful winning lollies by shooting three-pointers after three-pointers in basketball.


We all came home with smiles on on our faces and painted Maori tattoos thanks to Te Kawa a Māui – School of Māori Studies.

Street Day Appeal

Please support our work with young people and families.

Give a little, so WE can give a lot.”

Your help is greatly appreciated!

You can:

  • Collect
  • Donate
  • Tell your friends and whanau
  • Press “Donate Now” on our front page

Contact Megan Ratuki on (04) 477 6827 or email if you can help us.


Hawkes Bay Retreats

Some of the team from Challenge 2000 went up to the Hawkes Bay to lead two retreats for young people 16 – 17 years old. The theme for the first retreat was “To Be The Change” and the theme for the second retreat was “Stepping Out In Faith”.

The first retreat focussed on how to make a positive change within their College and community, particularly as these young women will be the leaders in 2017. The day started with a great reflection and scintillating talk on how “one drop in water, joined by other like drops can be a sea of change”. Each tiny drop has the potential to make a great difference to the community. The young women acted out dramas about some great people who were that “one drop within the ocean” – Sir Edmund Hillary, Whina Cooper, Martin Luther King Jr and Mother Teresa. The day ended with a great reflection sheet.

The second retreat consisted of the young people stepping out in faith – what that entails and what it looks like.  People or heros that the young people looked up to were discussed, their qualities and motivation were considered and then each small group presented a drama about these heroes and heroines.  The dramas they did clearly displayed the massive effect their lives had on communities and throughout the world.  A mix of individual inner reflection, group discussion and presentations was really effective for the young people.

A lot of fun, joy, laughter and bonding took place within the days.  The Challenge 2000 staff really appreciated going back and reconnecting with the young people in the Hawkes Bay.  Great moments were shared by all.