Welcome to Challenge 2000
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Challenge 2000 is a professional and dynamic Youth Development, Community and Family Social Work Agency. We work mainly throughout the Wellington region, providing a wide range of services and programmes to children, young people, families and community groups.
We have a team of 35+ staff, numerous volunteers and many amazing partners and benefactors, all striving to make a difference and build better communities. If you want to get involved contact us today!
A charism is a way of seeing, being and doing.
The Challenge 2000 charism seeks to make the Gospel real through:

We believe that ‘love works’. We strive to respond positively, go the extra mile, and relate to those in need as more than just clients. Challenge 2000 is a whānau committed to bringing people together and helping each other grow. We believe that change is possible and do what we can to grow hope.
Challenge 2000’s commitment to bi-culturalism is informed by kaupapa and tīkanga Māori. Specifically, our work is guided by four tīkanga that complement our charism:

Āhurutanga: creating a safe and nurturing space for whānau and young people
Kaitiakitanga: guarding and enhancing people’s mana, beliefs, hopes, and dreams
Whānaungatanga: fostering authentic relationships with whānau and young people grounded in manaakitanga
Wairuatanga: honouring others’ whakapapa, world-views and belief systems, including the unseen and unspoken energies between those past and present
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