Cullen Breakfast with Chief District Court Judge

This week four members of the Challenge whānau were privileged to be invited to the Cullen Breakfast, to listen to Chief District Court Judge Heemi Taumaunu speak about Te Ao Mārama and the journey of enlightenment in the justice system, as a response to repeated calls for transformative change.

I found Judge Heemi inspirational and much of what he described was what we try to do at Challenge 2000, in all the different ways we journey with our young people and whānau. It’s so important that everyone is treated with dignity and respect and understand what is happening, so they can fully participate in our sometimes complicated systems.  

It was great to hear from Judge Heemi the importance of loving what you do and having a dream and passion for what we study or do in our work and personal lives. Hard work and commitment makes any change possible. 

Although it’s the end of a really busy year I walked away with my tank topped up and ready to go. Kia ora Judge Heemi.

Petrina Foaese. Youth Worker