Hon Peter Dunne and Hon Nikki Kaye join us for Youth Week 2017

The theme of Youth week was “Our Voices Count, Count Our Voices” ……

In the weeks leading up to it, our Youth Workers, young leaders and youth volunteers organised an Amazing Race, prepared clues, did art work and made up a song called “Whakarongomai”.

50 young people were directly involved in the Race, the discussions in the Loaves and Fishes Hall and then the visit to Parliament where they were hosted by the Challenge’s local MP the Honourable Peter Dunne and the Minister of Education and Youth Development the Honourable Nikki Kaye who answered questions and discussed things with the group.

The young people who spoke, mentioned climate change, poverty, the Free West Papua campaign, compulsory Te Reo in schools, terrorism, making political issues more understandable for younger people, the voting age and honouring the Treaty as matters they were concerned about.

The young people were very impressed by the attention that Nikki Kaye gave each of their questions/comments and also the way she shared her recent health challenge. Nikki challenged the Youth week participants to value and live their lives and do what they could to use their gifts to make an impact.

After Parliament, participants had kai back at the hall and worked out ways that they could become more involved in serving their communities and becoming full citizens of Aotearoa.