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hristmas week our happy staff and volunteers have delivered 85 hampers to families we are involved with. Many, many thanks to all those generous people who sent money in response to our Christmas appeal for meat, veges and fruit. The response was outstanding.
A big thankyou also to KIERAN O’SULLIVAN and his wonderful team at Pak n Save Lower Hutt. Your service and generous discount was absolutely AWESOME!! You made our staff members cry!! Thank you!!
Many families were very surprised and humbled.
A family of 10 was overwhelmed by the gesture, the whole family came out to receive the Hampers which included gifts. Children were wide eyed with excitement, adults were so overwhelmed, and very thankful.
One Parent said: “Thank you for the aroha, my Whanau are so thankful”
A 9 yr old girl said: “is that really for us? I can’t wait for Christmas”
Another caregiver said:
“I can’t believe this, thank you for this so unexpected, but we so needed this”