Viv Campbell, Ngati Ruanui, Te Whiti Ahi Kaa, is now settled at Porirua College and working intensively with students and whānau. Last term Viv facilitated 2 programmes.
Te Ahi Kaa ran a programme with support of Challenge 2000 to a group of 9 young Tama Tane requiring mentoring in addressing presenting issues such as truancy and behaviours within the classroom. Two Challenge 2000 youth workers, provided support and a programme focused at supporting Te Ahi Kaa and meeting the needs of the Tama Tane. This was very successful and there are plans for Term 3 for this programme and support to continue. Stat’s gathered by Te Ahi Kaa staff, show that over-all attendance and behaviours improved for their students on the programme which is encouraging for our staff of whom provide support to the college.
Viv also co-facilitated a successful programme with Pania Mitchell from Te Korowai Aroha, to a group of 8-9 young Wahine Toa. The objective and goals were education focused on health, relationships, whanau, goal setting, risky behaviours and alcohol & drugs awareness. The wahine also attended a jewellery workshop at Pataka.
Carla Vincent, Rongomai Wahine and Te Arawa, is at Mana College and has also had a very busy last term. Carla has settled in well and already established strong links with staff and community networks. Like Viv, Carla has co-planned a girls group with Pania Mitchell who has proven to be a great programme facilitator and mentor for the young Wahine in the Porirua Region. Carla has the programme portfolio at Mana College and currently there are exciting programmes such as the Boys Group and Tuakana Teina groups.
All the three Social Workers are making plans for a combined Leadership programme for students from all three colleges. Watch this space!